What to include in your Photo Client Prep Guide
A lot of my clients are every day people, no one is really looking to break into Hollywood or Ford Models anytime soon, so they don’t necessarily know right off the bat how they should show up as far as style.
Tips on Hair & Makeup
I always suggest not to rock a style that you haven’t tried yet because rather than feeling empowered you may actually feel self-conscious and that will show in your images. If you’re not used to a red lip, than leave it for another day. If you don’t normally wear hats, maybe your first photo shoot isn’t the best time to see how you look in one. Confidence is key when it comes to photo sessions so I always encourage my clients to go for what you know, so that you’re not worried about how you look the entire session.
I do encourage my gals to have their makeup done (either themselves or professionally) because a made-up face pops on camera a lot more. If your client still shows up with no makeup because they felt like your professional opinion wasn’t for them even though you do this every day, well hey, work with what you got.
Tips on Style
As far as styling goes, a new outfit is great, as long as its something you would wear even if you weren’t headed to a photo shoot. I let them know that they should be “them” as much as possible, especially for a branding session, because the person you present in your images, is who people will expect to meet out in the real world. So if you don’t normally rock vintage, maybe save that for a special event, and come to your photo session in an outfit that is more recognizable to your every day brand.
Also if you have a specific vibe that flows throughout your images from client to client, its ok to get them suggestions with that vibe in mind. For example, if your images are a little more moody, you can suggest to your clients that they wear solids, or neutrals over pattern and bright colors. Your clients have booked you for a reason, so if you suggest something, they will most likely follow your suggestion in order to get the best images. I tell my clients I love solids but feel free to rock a pattern if this is something that you would normally do and you know you can pull it off.
Your client needs to be the most them they can be. And if they come to the session feeling like somebody else, that’s all going to show in the images. Be who you are today, and we can evolve to lashes later.