piedmont garden tent atlanta wedding
camaro and cameron were from two different parts of the world but a love for travel and a little universal magic brought them together. as a wedding gift, cameron gave camaro the world via the most beautiful golden globe. thats one way to win at wedding-ing. another: when you're planning a wedding, make sure your all-night dance party is everything. the soundtrack to camsquared's day was great from mingling before the ceremony to the sparkler almost-exit (long story). i loved seeing every age on the dance floor dancing like no ones watching. their ceremony also included several traditions that kept both the couple and the guests on their toes the whole time, especially when it came time to eat cayenne pepper...
also i am so grateful that they took all of my pre-wedding prep guide + tips to heart. real mvps they are. they even picked their prep locations based on it. thank you! it is so important to prepare for your images on the front end (like where you will get ready, making sure the lighting is good, etc.) rather than have it be an afterthought. Help your photographer help you by picking an amazing prep location that makes for great photos. The airbnb Camaro chose to get ready with her girls had the most amazing courtyard and the condo in the sky that Cameron chose had plenty of natural light, something I ask my couples to triple check. Fist bump.
Camaro and Cameron had their Friday wedding at the Piedmont Garden Tent at Park Tavern in Atlanta, GA and a soca-drenched reception to end all receptions.
All images taken by Kelley Raye, Los Angeles Wedding Photographer + Atlanta Wedding Photographer.